Forums / DQ: Empires - Community / Suggestions / Time?
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[ Posts : 8 ]
[Post Date: 03-Dec-2004 20:48]

Hi, I'm new to the game. But one thing that I can't seem to find in the guide or anywhere else is how the time works? I would suggest that this be better explained in the guide. It sort of looks like it "ticks" every 15 min?? But what about the rest?? If this info is available somewhere I apologize, but could someone point it out to me.
This message was edited by Fineus Sorry this is in the wrong forum and I found the answer in the discussion forum. Please feel free to delete this thread if possible.
This message was edited by Fineus
[ Posts : 1005 ]
[Post Date: 03-Dec-2004 23:20]

We are preparing new Guide edition - hope it will ship tomorrow. You are right - time "ticks" every 15 minutes TG Galaxy, and every 20 minutes in Virgo and Pleiads. Every 15 or 20 "turn" or "tick" take place - during this time all Your command are executed step-by-step. Players are unable to do anything during tick time - but this is less than 3-15 seconds (depending of number of fleets, empires, etc).
You always can see hourly generated info at (top left link from the main site page).
[ Posts : 104 ]
[Post Date: 27-Feb-2005 00:36]

This is just a suggestion.. not sure if good to implement.. but can we have a time as in real life time? with hours minutes and seconds? The Galactic Time provided by the Traders is really hard to follow (atleast for me).

I think the new time could have the following format. Keep in mind that the time starts from the beginning of the round as > 00:00:00:00

The format would be ---- day:hour:minute:tick
1) Day - days since the round started... using 24 hour = 1 day
2) Hours - hours of round in particular day... using 60 min = hour
3) Minutes - minutes of round in particular hour... using 60 sec = 1 min
4) Ticks - ticks of rounds that have passed

I think this format would make things simpler for people to follow the time.. and another suggestion is you have an "official" clock running as soon as round starts according to that format. This way people can look at the battle report or IGM or recent events, and know WHN they happened.

Just my thought..
[ Posts : 1005 ]
[Post Date: 27-Feb-2005 23:01]

Hmmm.... Here is a little "misunderstanding". Galaxy (database if we go deep into the code) did not know when turns started. I can manually run the turn, time can be stopped if the system catch an exception (due to bug, for example), so it will not reflect the real time.
Howewer, we can add number of passed turns in title of the image, but.. will it help ?
Any suggestions?