HUMAN - Science

The science form will allow you to manage research priorities in your Empire. You may research following science fields:

  • Demography & Habitats;
  • Construction;
  • Science & Theory;
  • Resources;
  • Agriculture;
  • Space tech;
  • Training & Planetary Defenses;
  • Intelligence.

  • Demography & Habitats

    This science field will affect population growth and will give new ways for a more rational use of habitats, thus increasing overall planet population capacity.


    New technologies in this field will decrease construction time for buildings, space ships and Orbital Bases.

    Science & Theory

    New theories and methods will help scientists to research more effectively and get results in a shorter time.


    This technologies will increase extraction of Minerals and Crystals, and learn new ways of using Metals and Energy in construction, and therefore decrease the amount of material needed for the construction of the same item.


    From this technologies depends how effectively Biomass will be used in Food production.

    Space tech

    Increase of space ships speed and acquisition of new techs in the space combat field.

    Training & Planetary Defenses

    Will decrease Troops training time and increase the effectiveness of Military Bases.


    New ways of intelligence and sabotage missions. Will increase the success probability of missions.