Delta Quadrant: EmpiresTM is a turn-based web space strategy game designed for simultaneous playing of several thousand persons.

To play Delta Quadrant: EmpiresTM, the connection to the Internet is required only and an ordinary web browser - in this case game is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5.0 or higher (Opera 7 and Mozilla 1.7 are acceptable too, but we are not sure for 100%, will be cleared up at the stage of beta-testing).

Unique feature of our game is the presence of 4 absolutely different races (sides) for which you can play. And, when we speak about the uniqueness, we don't mean different sets of characteristics (as in RPG where, for example, the difference between an elf and a human is expressed as different coefficients of the same parameters) - we mean the absolutely different ideology and style of the game.

Any user who possesses skills of navigation in the Internet without difficulties can easily understand the interface of game - it looks like a usual web page. Action of the game takes place in the universe Delta Quadrant: EmpiresTM - the sci-fi universe, where there is a set of as humanoid races (a typical example - people) as well as non humanoid races and even non races in its direct meaning.

In Delta Quadrant: EmpiresTM there are 5 sides, for 4 of which you can play.

Fagur - a biological essence, the avatar of life in the universe. Not much is known about this "race" except that it is not a race per se. It seems to be one entity made up of many organs that serve the whole, whose bodies can be moved from each other by the light years. It cannot live in space - only on the planets. It breeds by the teleport of its spores and eggs directly in atmospheres of planets. It has no space units. Even the creatures that are most often seen and regarded as drones or slaves are actually avatars of the entity and are fully controlled with no will or intelligence. This entity has the ability to span on multiple systems and still be of one intelligence. The basic used resource is Biomass.

Krong - a power form of life, the avatar of energy. It represents the energetic network distributed in space whose material embodiment consists of nano-machines, called Y-Units. It is not also the race of individuals. The basically used resources are Minerals, Metals and Energy.

Humans - they are just human people. The origin is not known. They are the most understandable to an ordinary player. The basically used resources are Metals, Energy and Biomass.

Mercenaries - the warriors of all races from all parts of the Galaxy. They undertake the most risky actions. They do not use resources - everything buy from the Traders.

Traders - the representatives of Ancients. Nobody saw any of their representatives, any attempt of capture or attack of the Trader�s ship wasn�t successful. They are guarantees of transactions honesty in the whole Galaxy. There is an opinion that they survey for all that happens, and even dominate the events happening in the Galaxy (Non-Playable-Side).

In spite of the fact that the action of the game takes place in the sci-fi universe, while creating the game we used some real definitions from the astronomy - for instance, classes of stars are taken there from. Thus, some assumptions have been made - distances between the stars are considerably smaller than those which are observed in reality, and practically each star possesses its own planetary system. In the game there are also space anomalies such as Black Holes and Wormholes. The first can destroy the flying by fleets, the second can help to overcome significant distances just for one move.

Game occurs as follows: the player registers in the system, chooses a Galaxy from the list accessible in game, enters a desirable name for his Empire and the side for which wishes to play. After that he is given the corresponding quantity of the resources necessary for the further development. Of course, for every race different resources are available. The player operates the Empire through the commands - some of them can give result instantly, others demand certain game time. Once at a time a turn takes place - the system settles the calculation of the actions of all players. By results of these calculations one can extract the resources in Empires, fights and other game events take place. The purpose of the game is to become the most influential in the given Galaxy.

For more commodity of the game there is The Playing Guide for each race where the strategy of the game for corresponding race is described in detail, as well as all items of the menu and other features of game are explained. The game is designed for a wide international audience - from schoolboys up to adults. It is interesting to try themselves as the ruler of the Galactic Empire.


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