Testing Grounds 
Players (last day logons)0
Active Empires 16
Dead Empires 3
Round started at 05-Feb-2010 16:34
Max turns 2500
Turns passed since start 2500
Turn interval (minutes) 10
Black holes0
Worm holes0
  • "Testing Grounds" galaxy is destinated for new players that are playing their first games or for new comers that just want to try Delta Quadrant: EmpiresTM game.
  • Players' achivements in this galaxy will not be used in any way for their general rating.

  • Virgo 
    Players (last day logons)0
    Active Empires 5
    Dead Empires 8
    Round started at 29-Aug-2009 14:57
    Max turns 2500
    Turns passed since start 2500
    Turn interval (minutes) 20
    Black holes0
    Worm holes0
  • "Virgo" galaxy is destinated for new players that are playing their first games.
  • Experienced players must not join this galaxy.
  • Players' achivements in this galaxy will be used for their general rating.

  • Trio 
    Players (last day logons)0
    Active Empires 4
    Dead Empires 4
    Round started at 05-Feb-2010 16:34
    Max turns 2500
    Turns passed since start 2500
    Turn interval (minutes) 30
    Black holes0
    Worm holes6
  • "Trio" galaxy is opened for all players.
  • Players' achivements in this galaxy will be used for their general rating.

  • The Eye 
    Players (last day logons)0
    Active Empires 22
    Dead Empires 38
    Round started at 30-Apr-2009 19:00
    Max turns 2500
    Turns passed since start 2500
    Turn interval (minutes) 30
    Black holes0
    Worm holes0
  • "Trio" galaxy is opened for all players.
  • Players' achivements in this galaxy will be used for their general rating.

  • The Pleiads 
    Players (last day logons)0
    Active Empires 7
    Dead Empires 7
    Round started at 26-Dec-2009 15:59
    Max turns 2500
    Turns passed since start 2500
    Turn interval (minutes) 20
    Black holes0
    Worm holes0
  • "The Pleiads" galaxy is opened for all players.
  • Players' achivements in this galaxy will be used for their general rating.
  • Generated at 29-Mar-2010 22:05 (GMT+2)