FAGUR - Resources used by Fagur

In most of the screens in the game, you will see a status bar at the top, that shows the most important figures. This is the main source of information of your entity�s resources situation.

If you forget what resource each picture represents, you may hold your mouse pointer over it to get a hint label with the resource name.


Produced only by the Hive; are used for a vast range of actions. Main function is sensing, expanding on new worlds and gathering information on other races.


Also produced only by the Hive. The Larva is the base element for growing new organs and creatures.


Produced mainly by Trophs, it is used in almost all activities of the Fagur entity, such as feeding the entire entity, growth of new organs and creatures, expansion on new worlds.


Biomass is actually any kind of biological life on a planet. Trophs will collect it and transform it into Biogel.

Creatures / Max creatures

The Fagur entity has full control of all creatures, which have no will or intelligence of their own. The Hive organ is responsible for controlling them. But each Hive has a limited number of creatures it can control. Thus, the more Hives you have, the more creatures you will be able to control. The numbers near this "resource" show, at first, the total number of creatures you are actually controlling and, in green, the highest possible number of creatures you can control.

Galactic time

A universal galactic time. Its format was provided by Traders race, wich controls all trading exchanges in the Galaxy.