Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 13:23]
In following text I'll try explaining how battle system is working. With your little help this text will be used in game encyclopedia.
The main parameter in a battle is precision. It is used for calculation if a weapon hit its target or not. Some weapons have damage bonuses against shields some against armor.
There are 6 formations in the game:
FORMATION 1: (need a name)
Low class ships are in front, high class ships are in back lines. In this formation small ships will be destroyed firstly, then bigger and bigger.
This formation give a +0.15 to precision.
FORMATION 2: (need a name)
Low class ships are in front, high class ships are in back lines. Two separate groups. In this formation small ships will be destroyed firstly, then bigger and bigger.
This formation give a -0.15 to enemy precision.
FORMATION 3: (need a name)
Low class ships are in back lines, high class ships are in front lines. In this formation biggest ships will be destroyed firstly, then smaller.
This formation give a +0.15 to precision.
FORMATION 4: (need a name)
ow class ships are in back lines, high class ships are in front lines. Two separate groups. In this formation biggest ships will be destroyed firstly, then smaller.
This formation give a -0.15 to enemy precision.
FORMATION 5: (need a name)
* * *
* * *
* * *
This is a random formation. Ships of different classes are ordered in random manner. Ships will be destroyed in unpredicted order.
This formation give a +0.15 to precision.
FORMATION 5: (need a name)
* *
* *
* *
* *
Two separate groups in random formation. Ships of different classes are ordered in random manner. Ships will be destroyed in unpredicted order.
This formation give a -0.15 to enemy precision.
If a fleet is idle & aggressive then it will attack:
- any fleet it is in war with
- any other non allied fleet
if a fleet is idle & guard then it will attack:
- any fleet it is in war with
if a fleet is idle and defense it will attack:
- any fleets that is attacking it
if a fleet is idle & have no target yet, but has help ally on it will attack:
- any fleet that attacks an allied fleet
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Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 13:50]
For each ship in a battle we do:
Find a target for this weapon. It is obtained depending on target formation.
Calculate weapons precision. Precision is calculated taking in consideration following factors:
- Personal and target fleet formations (i.e. some formations give bonuses to precision some have penalties)
- Personal and fleet ranges vs weapon range (If weapon range is different than range between fleets then some penalties are taken for precision)
- Personal ship and target ship maneuverability (If attacking ship has bigger maneuverability it has bonuses to precision and vice versa, if target ship is more maneuverable bigger are penalties to precision)
- Battle computers (Battle computers give bonuses to precision)
For each weapon we calculate precision and fire. If weapon hits the target then damage is given first to shields and if no shield then to structure/armor.
NOTE: If you have for example 8 laser on a ship your ship will fire 8 times and for each fire its own precision and target is calculated.
Damaged ships will remain damaged from one battle to another. The only thing is regenerating is shields with a rate of 10% from full capacity.
In future structure damage will be repaired in allied or personal systems with some rate.
Here you have calculation table for ranges fleets will battle:
Columns: Fleet1 Range | Fleet2 Range | Resulting Battle Range
Close | Close | Close
Close | Medium | Close
Close | Far | Medium
Medium | Close | Close
Medium | Medium | Medium
Medium | Far | Far
Far | Close | Medium
Far | Medium | Far
Far | Far | Far
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Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 14:11]
Ok, that helps a lot in knowing whats happening
I will try and think of some names and things in a little while.
BTW, what is the range of each weapon? Are their any weapons that work well in all ranges?
 This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 14:15]
Quote BTW, what is the range of each weapon? Are their any weapons that work well in all ranges?
| I'm working now on equipment encyclopedia. You'll have all stats there.
No, there isn't a weapon that is good in all ranges.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 14:17]
Quote BTW, what is the range of each weapon? Are their any weapons that work well in all ranges?
| I'm working now on equipment encyclopedia. You'll have all stats there.
No, there isn't a weapon that is good in all ranges.
Ok, also. If your fleet is short range and enemy fleet long range, what happens? Do they attack you but you cant attack them? Because they can keep at a far distance and you cant get close?

Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 14:25]
Quote Ok, also. If your fleet is short range and enemy fleet long range, what happens? Do they attack you but you cant attack them? Because they can keep at a far distance and you cant get close? 
| Ok. Added description how final battle range is calculated. 
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 14:43]
Quote Ok, also. If your fleet is short range and enemy fleet long range, what happens? Do they attack you but you cant attack them? Because they can keep at a far distance and you cant get close? 
| Ok. Added description how final battle range is calculated. 
Oh, ok...So, in theory you can use the wrong range to force the right one?
I mean, if your fleet has mid range weapons, and your enemy is set to far. You just set yours to close, resulting in mid range...
That should be good for tactics
 This message was edited by Emperor L
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 15:38]
Hmm, its kind of hard to think of names for the formations, I searched for some real fleet formations and couldnt find much...
So...I dont know...will keep thinking though...
I guess the random formations could be called 'Free' in that ships are free to move where ever they want...although, thats more of a lack of formation than anything
Ok, the two types where they are together or split can be Divided and Unified. These can then be used with another name that describes the position of small/large ships.
This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jul-2008 16:08]
Quote Hmm, its kind of hard to think of names for the formations, I searched for some real fleet formations and couldnt find much...
So...I dont know...will keep thinking though...
I guess the random formations could be called 'Free' in that ships are free to move where ever they want...although, thats more of a lack of formation than anything
Ok, the two types where they are together or split can be Divided and Unified. These can then be used with another name that describes the position of small/large ships.
This message was edited by Emperor L
| Then I guess there should be some images in formation drop down
Formation 3/4 could be "Hammer" Unified and "Hammer" Divided.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 27-Jul-2008 17:39]
Yeah, diagrams would be better I think...
Also, if you have several fleets in the same star that are in a battle, and these have different ranges, do they each attack to their own distance, or do they all get the same range?
How is dammage shared over different fleets. For example, if I have 1 fleet where small ships are lost first, and another where large ships are lost first, what will be destroyed? Half from each, or something else?
Finaly, I already have some tactics for my fleets. Firstly building well defended small ships with just armour, so they are cheap, and these can be lost first (should provide greatest HP for money) while my large ships (more expencive) will be safe from attacks and so wont be lost so easy. Also small ships = higher maintenenace, so loosing these first helps in maintenaance costs for large fleets. Also, small ships are easy to replace at any planet, so easy to rebuild any losses.
This seems very good, as a frigate with best armour and best shield costs 250 each, and 3 of these provides as much HP as a titan, for MUCH cheaper cost (750 compaired to over 12000), so seems a great way to defend your fleets...maybe even too good
Also, their is no need to have all weapon types on a ship.
If your fleet is set to close, then it is impossible for it to ever have to fight long range battles, so you only need close and mid range weapons. Also, it is more likely to be close range (if enemy is close or mid) so these will be the best weapons I think in this case.
Same works for far, if your fleet is set to far it is impossible for it to fight in close range, so only need far and mid range weapons.
Thats my plans for my new ships I build. Will see how it works...
 This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 28-Jul-2008 11:12]
Quote Also, if you have several fleets in the same star that are in a battle, and these have different ranges, do they each attack to their own distance, or do they all get the same range?
| Each with their own range, tactics and formation.
Quote How is dammage shared over different fleets. For example, if I have 1 fleet where small ships are lost first, and another where large ships are lost first, what will be destroyed? Half from each, or something else?
| A ship is getting its target in a more or less random manner, depends on database actually and then uses target's fleet formation, etc. for calculations. Damage is given to on ship at a time (i.e. targeted ship) not to entire fleet. This is the main difference from DQ:H.
PS: Please use fleets of about 30 ships in a battle. We need to test battle system
This message was edited by Maverick
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 28-Jul-2008 17:07]
Ok so...
Formation 1 can be Point
Formation 2 can be Flanking Point
Formation 3 can be Hammer
Formation 4 can be Flanking Hammer
Formation 5 can be Box
Formation 6 can be Flanking Box
Would it be possible to add a 7th and 8th formation called Slash and Flanking Slash?
Where your ships line up single file in a random order and push through the enemy fleet, or push through along the flanks (or do ships just kinda sit and fire?)
For Slash, you could add some to damage modifier due to friendly fire (not all shots will hit the Slashing fleet, they could hit other friendly ships beyond)
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 28-Jul-2008 17:47]
Quote Ok so...
Formation 1 can be Point
Formation 2 can be Flanking Point
Formation 3 can be Hammer
Formation 4 can be Flanking Hammer
Formation 5 can be Box
Formation 6 can be Flanking Box
| Good ideas.
Quote Would it be possible to add a 7th and 8th formation called Slash and Flanking Slash?
Where your ships line up single file in a random order and push through the enemy fleet, or push through along the flanks (or do ships just kinda sit and fire?)
For Slash, you could add some to damage modifier due to friendly fire (not all shots will hit the Slashing fleet, they could hit other friendly ships beyond)
Let put this for enhancements. We still have a lot of work to do
Quote (or do ships just kinda sit and fire?)
| Yes, just kinda sit and fire It's a turn based not a RTS game
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 28-Jul-2008 17:54]
Quote Let put this for enhancements. We still have a lot of work to do 
Thats fine
Quote (or do ships just kinda sit and fire?)
| Yes, just kinda sit and fire It's a turn based not a RTS game [/q]
One can dream right Someday itll be Real-time....someday....