Forums / DQ: Empires V1.0 / Bug reports / Negative surface space!
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Emperor L
[ Posts : 1237 ]
[Post Date: 28-Jun-2006 01:54]

Sorry, another bug, in virgo I have just noticed that my queue had not emptied for a while, i have enough resources and everything so I went to the planet I am building at and it has -3921 surface space. It is easy to undo by deleting order, but how did the order go through? Usualy it says not enough space and wont let order go into queue.

Often players have the same problem about queue not moving and usualy it is because they order troops or col ships and dont have enough population on planet, however some times they order buildings so this could be happening quite often

Also I wont delete order from queue but set it to stoped, just incase you need more info

[ Posts : 1331 ]
[Post Date: 28-Jun-2006 16:30]

Will take a look at it.

BTW: What's your empire id in virgo?
This message was edited by Maverick
Emperor L
[ Posts : 1237 ]
[Post Date: 28-Jun-2006 18:36]

What's your empire id in virgo?

My Id is 1005

And at planet 301:395:6

[ Posts : 1331 ]
[Post Date: 29-Jun-2006 09:59]

Indeed, there is some data incoherence in your case. Apparently the queue order was not deleted after execution. I've noticed that on this planet there are almost identical numbers as in queue (difference is only 1 unit) and code seams to be ok. In any case if you'll be able to repeat this situation please let us know wthat you've done.

Emperor L
[ Posts : 1237 ]
[Post Date: 29-Jun-2006 11:38]

I've noticed that on this planet there are almost identical numbers as in queue (difference is only 1 unit)

Thats because I filled all availiable space with mines and military bases when I colonised, the extra 1 units is for the ones that automaticaly build when you colonise.
and code seams to be ok. In any case if you'll be able to repeat this situation please let us know wthat you've done.

