AncientWarrior [ Posts : 6 ]
| [Post Date: 25-Oct-2005 18:27]
I thinks it whould be a good thing that you chould surrender your planet to an attacking foe if you can't defend it or something like that and you chould evacuate your population/troops from that specific planet to other planet you own, anyone who has the same thoughts holla back
another suggestion:
remove the satelites and make the posibility of creating "obervers" which you can travel thru the galaxy and should be able to give then commands like: hold positon/stop/explore(coords)/sense (number of sectors) and make them invisible which can be detected by specific units from each race, you chould create an overlord for the fagur that chould detect invisble units and this is part of my other thoughts, make some ships that can be invisible only when stopped and make the visible when attacking or moving, I'm a StarCraft addicted player and it whould be nice to have an On-Line Brower StarCraft This message was edited by AncientWarrior This message was edited by AncientWarrior
Blazebloodhound [ Posts : 21 ]
| [Post Date: 26-Oct-2005 03:26]
surrendering planets would not be a good idea because of double account issues, and the act of bully someone to give you their planets would cause alot of complaint from players believing people who aren't using two accounts are actually using two accounts. Imagine an alliance with fagur colonization limit being 50, giving away 10 planets and then reexpanding to give away 10 and continually doing this. This is what would happen, it's similar to an alliance transfering all their money to their mercenaries, it doesn't make the players work for their expansion.
now i don't think the idea is to make the game into starcraft, i like the way the admins have made it, and i think you should look around, make, or suggest to someone else to make a online starcraft game. I too have been a sc addict, until i rehabilitated myself from it, but this game has it's similarities, and uniqunesses that others don't. I find this makes it interesting and seeing your observers get destroyed would just be annoying for a game like this, i wouldn't want to have to send new ones out every 100 turns.... help make this game better by giving suggestions, but lets not turn it into a copy of another game. This message was edited by Blazebloodhound
AncientWarrior [ Posts : 6 ]
| [Post Date: 26-Oct-2005 17:53]
ok first of all has anyone had 50 planets till now ? can you alone manage and protect 50 planets and expand the same time with two accounts ? when do you have the time to do that ?
second I think this game is a remake of SC, let me point out a few similaties for you.
first of all are the races:
Human=Terran (fast expansion)
Krong=Zerg (slow evolution but powerfull battle untits)
Mercenaryrottos (which has advanced techs and able to spy and stuff)
second are the units:
Transport/Colonization Shipropship
Capital Ship=Battlecruiser
Satelites=Science Vessel
And there are many others, I did not said: MAKE THIS GAME A STARCRAFT GAME, I said it whold be nice
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
| [Post Date: 26-Oct-2005 20:12]
Quote ok first of all has anyone had 50 planets till now ? can you alone manage and protect 50 planets and expand the same time with two accounts ? when do you have the time to do that ?
second I think this game is a remake of SC, let me point out a few similaties for you.
first of all are the races:
Human=Terran (fast expansion)
Krong=Zerg (slow evolution but powerfull battle untits)
Mercenaryrottos (which has advanced techs and able to spy and stuff)
second are the units:
Transport/Colonization Shipropship
Capital Ship=Battlecruiser
Satelites=Science Vessel
And there are many others, I did not said: MAKE THIS GAME A STARCRAFT GAME, I said it whold be nice
| Let me say that you are totaly wrong about SC an DQ similarities. If we'll take SC races you will see that they are almost same race with small diferences. In DQ you have realy diferent races and each has it ouwn gameplay style.
In SC you practicaly can switch races in no time. if you are great in one race you will be good in another. Try to play next time with other race (I suggers you to switch from Humans to Krong for example) and you'll feel the diference.
PS: Ai jucat prea mult SC. Sigur fiecare joc strategic in spatiu are asemanarile lui. Dar cred eu ca noi nu putem sa comparam DQ cu SC.
Cele bune.
AncientWarrior [ Posts : 6 ]
| [Post Date: 26-Oct-2005 22:20]
Presupun ca ai dreptate dar oricum cred ca ar trebui sa puneti <TITLE> pe paginile din joc, poate sunt eu de vina dar la mine arata doar oriunde sunt pe pagina
James [ Posts : 1 ]
| [Post Date: 30-Oct-2005 21:53]
What language is that? I have ruled out french latin and romainian! Is it a con-lang by any chance as I am curious.
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
| [Post Date: 30-Oct-2005 23:12]
This is Romanian
2 AncientWarrior: which browser are you using?
Startracker [ Posts : 43 ]
| [Post Date: 31-Oct-2005 12:06]
wow, romanian is hard to translate, LOL, all the translators i used suked big time
ah well, nvm guess this is a multi cultural game