pauldg [ Posts : 104 ]
 | [Post Date: 04-Dec-2004 17:30]
How are the other races supposed to withstand/attack the mercs?
We should have a way of keeping track of them IF they're not invisible.. or atleast keeping track of their fleets when theyre not invisible.. This message was edited by pauldg
Startracker [ Posts : 7 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Dec-2004 01:57]
Yes the admins seemed concerned with bnalancing out the U4 but mercs are a big concern also, at this point in time mercs seem to be able to just stay hidden and launch raids and attacks and if they fail just sit back and rebuild, maybe we should at least be able to expend resources to see where their fleet came from...(if we click on it when we see a fleet for example)? Just and idea...
Fineus [ Posts : 15 ]
 | [Post Date: 04-Jan-2005 20:15]
I would concur. The mercs are pretty much invincible the way they are now. I think there should be some way to detect them. It may require a huge amount of credits or spores or something like that but it should at least be possible. Or, have it so you can "pay" another merc to find and destroy a pesky merc?
Vhaeraun [ Posts : 37 ]
 | [Post Date: 04-Jan-2005 22:50]
Quote Yes the admins seemed concerned with bnalancing out the U4
the U4 for the krong are a big help as they don't have to waste millions of Y-units to bombard a planet controlled by another player to get rid of them. the U4 for me is pretty balance as it is only able to collapse certain stars and don't do any damage to units. which means that if you have fleets there you can destroy it before it collapses the star (i know that the fagur don't have this ability, but the person that i bombarded is a fagur player). other krong players know what i'm talking about, and to me y-units are pretty cheap when it comes to bombardment as they only have 1HP and do 1dmg to the trageted planet and get destroyed in the process. Not that long ago i wasted 1.5million Y-units on bombarding a planet and didn't do even 1 damage as all my y-units got destroyed before they were able to do damage.
Quote but mercs are a big concern also, at this point in time mercs seem to be able to just stay hidden and launch raids and attacks and if they fail just sit back and rebuild,
you are right about that. there should be something to find out where they are. also only stupid mercs sit in one spot all the time, but smart ones move all the time to make it hard for other players to kill them. There should be something similiar like the sense/exploration/scan thing which you use to find merc bases are near you.
Quote maybe we should at least be able to expend resources to see where their fleet came from...(if we click on it when we see a fleet for example)? Just and idea...
this is a good idea, put it has a major flaw in it as the merc player can just move their base to someplace else after lauching their fleet which will make this completly useless and you will just waster resource where you can use them for something else.
This message was edited by Vhaeraun
Startracker [ Posts : 43 ]
 | [Post Date: 05-Jan-2005 12:57]
yes, but at least you would have at least SOME sort of a paper tail...get me?
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 05-Jan-2005 14:04]
Mercs in near future will have a new mission -> traking merc bases. 
Startracker [ Posts : 43 ]
 | [Post Date: 05-Jan-2005 23:47]
Quote Mercs in near future will have a new mission -> traking merc bases. 
so we can put missions up on job board? sweeeeeet!!!! 
Fedrat [ Posts : 1 ]
 | [Post Date: 23-Feb-2005 23:21]
Well i play merc and i was just thinking that it is pretty balanced, since our fighters are so expensive and we have to raid to make money. and another thing that i noticed is no one places jobs in the forums anyways. being able to just locate mercs, makes it harder for new mercs to survive because other players will be able to find us. practically, the only reason we survive i because we are difficult to find.
one system that would make sense would be to have the cloak device shut off when mercs luanc fleets, and shut off to return them. or the hiring mercs to find mercs seems like a good idea(providing mercs knew where to find other mercs within radar range)
but seeing as i am kinda new to this game, i guess mercs with more experience would be able to argue that point alot better.
Gaius [ Posts : 2 ]
 | [Post Date: 12-Jun-2005 05:47]
Actually, I like what the guy above said. Good mercs keep moving. See, another race's fleet can easily dispense of a visible merc base because its all they got and making money becomes so difficult at times. I believe instead you should be able to track dust trails of fleets the mercs send out and of the base itself, but the trails only last for ever so long. So if the merc doesnt move in time he will be discovered. The fact that it cost a lot to maintain the propulsion modules along with the rest balances the idea.
Sinister [ Posts : 7 ]
 | [Post Date: 12-Jun-2005 06:46]
well in relative topic to this. I think there should be a notification if any fleets are heading to your planets or atleast a chance of a notification ect. What bothers me is that there is no way to cover all of your planets from a concentrated attack, so the only sure way to win a fight in this game is to take hits and give some. Mercenaries have to be close to the target planet anyways to attack, so if they launch a fleet and you do get notified, you have little time to respond anyways, so that may balance it out if this was implemented.
Gaius [ Posts : 2 ]
 | [Post Date: 12-Jun-2005 18:16]
Actually, Ive upgraded enough and bought enough com modules that I can send my fleet almost anywhere in the galaxy (pleaids or wutever).