cansato [ Posts : 57 ]
| [Post Date: 10-Aug-2004 17:29]
- A player will be able to join an alliance if the empire is in interested alliance influence zone (minimal distance between player's colonies and alliance colonies is less then 50).
NOTE: This means that the old alliances are going to drop dead..
- Fagur & Humans will be able to occupy 100 planets by way of colonizing/expanding, other can be occupied by conquering/assimilating other empires.
Example1: You have 100 planets. You cannot colonize 101st planet. If for some reasons next turn you'll lose a planet and have 99 of them, then you'll be able to colonize 1 more planet, because 100 quota is not exceded.
Example2: You have 110 planets. You cannot colonize other planet. If for some reasons next turn you'll lose a planet and have 109 of them, then you'll NOT be able to colonize 1 more planet, because 100 quota was exceded.
NOTE: This is a good idea to balance the expansion between races. And it will make more war, war war. And the Krong?
- Krong will be able to land on planets and "colonize" them, if total planetary space is 95% occupied by I-Nodes.
NOTE: At a time... it is not a problem to me... I have played the game in this manner
- Required planetary space for buildins/organs was decreased 5 times.
NOTE: CEC changes occuped space from 15 to 3, CF from 20 to 4 and CM from 10 to 2, is it? Then, the gathering proccess will increase and the resources come in fast!
- Income & maintenance formulas for Mercenary rase were changed.
- New Mercenary Services Inmplemented
NOTE: mercenaries... I know a little... sorry, anything to declare...
- Planetary Sense/Scan/Survey
NOTE: if this implementation is to know what the other players are building/growing in the planet...
Hyolam [ Posts : 82 ]
| [Post Date: 10-Aug-2004 20:33]
NOTE: This means that the old alliances are going to drop dead..
never dies %))