Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
 | [Post Date: 25-Jan-2005 10:29]
Quote Can you explain how stars can be collapsed indirectly? and what's a chain reaction?
Yes, it is simple.
Let, say we have star O and in 2 quadrants from it star M. You can directly collaps first one, but can not collaps second. But Your enemy occuped star system whith this "uncollapsable" star M. If You collaps first star, it will create Black Hole. BH`s power can be more than 2 quadrants, and the second star will be in BH`s area. In this case second star (which class is M) become BH too. If there is any other stars in range of any previously created BH`s - they all become BH`s and so one.
The resulting Black Holes will be joined and new one will be created - with more power.
Krong has very interesting ability - it can escape from BH, if node was in collapsed star. All what need player to escape his node from BH - immediatelly after turn (when BH was created and _live_ nide is in it) make jump command in any coords away from BH - but player must ajust acceleration to make this jump in 1(one) turn.
Vhaeraun [ Posts : 37 ]
 | [Post Date: 25-Jan-2005 23:01]
Can you tell how much a BH power will be by the star, and when the star collapses what area of space another star has to be to be affected to produce a chain reaction. And how much power will the other star will add to the existining BH.
how much power will the BH have and what area will the BH effect.
no collaspable stars, would like to know how much power will these add to the black hole.
Also so dependin on the power of the black hole thats how much area it will effect. Let's say a BH was a power of 10 (max isn't it) it will effect 10 quadrent around it? Thx
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jan-2005 00:23]
Quote Can you tell how much a BH power will be by the star, and when the star collapses what area of space another star has to be to be affected to produce a chain reaction. And how much power will the other star will add to the existining BH.
how much power will the BH have and what area will the BH effect.
bh_power = max_bhpower - star_class + star size;
where star_class is { O=1, B=2 .....M=6 } and star size is in [1..4]
max_bhpower is constant, wich can be in range [2....2147483648] (the last number is only theoretical) and may vary from galaxy to galaxy - we do not want to accept "big-bum" via chain reaction sometimes
But max_bhpower is only for artificial BH - for example in the Eye Galaxy central BH has power 270 And ofcourse there are no maximum for BH power when 2 or more BH joined.
Quote Also so dependin on the power of the black hole thats how much area it will effect. Let's say a BH was a power of 10 (max isn't it) it will effect 10 quadrent around it? Thx
bh_power mean the maximum distance between fleet (star, other BH, etc) and BH`s coords where BH will affect on object.
By the other words, bh_power is the radius of circle with BH in the center of it. All objects, wich are into this circle will fall to BH, and only fast fleet can escape from this hungry monster - like Mercs or Fagur
After joining newly created BH will have another radius (BH power). It is calculated in the following manner (let say we have BH 1 and BH 2) :
1) Calculating square for circle with BH 1 in the center (S1)
2) Calculating square for circle with BH 2 in the center (S2)
3) Adding S1 and S2 (S1+S2=S3).
4) Obtaining the radius of circle with square S3.
5) Get geonetrical center of BH1 and BH2 coords.
6) Deleting BH1 and BH2 and creating new one in center from 5) with power (radius) from 4)
Because we are using integer math for calculations, if Your have BH with power 10, for example and Your fleet is in right top corner of _square_ formed from BH`s coords in its center with side == 2*BH power Your fleet will not be affected by the BH.
Pardon for my English - if something is not clear - just ask 
Paulgeorge [ Posts : 24 ]
 | [Post Date: 26-Jan-2005 05:03]
Forget that.. getting too techy for me.
Paulgeorge [ Posts : 24 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Jan-2005 22:22]
I know Green is "merc god" and Maverick is "fagur god" (?)..
Who's the Krong god?.. I'm asking because Merc and Fagur have great reports.. but for Krong, the reports suck..
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Jan-2005 23:47]
Quote I know Green is "merc god" and Maverick is "fagur god" (?)..
Who's the Krong god?..
Quote I'm asking because Merc and Fagur have great reports.. but for Krong, the reports suck..
Heh, I know
Krong report (I mean extended status report) is really suxx in it current implementation - it give only quick overview of Empire and nothing more.
I have new prototype (made by Yalo) for a several month, it is quite complete on 60%, but it is not finished yet. I promise to finish it as soon as possible
Ask Maverick to beat me every time when he see me in ICQ
If You have ideas about how it must look - feel free to contact me via e-mail.
Paulgeorge [ Posts : 24 ]
 | [Post Date: 30-Jan-2005 05:03]
That's awesome, I'll get in touch with you as soon as I can think of what I'd like (I do have ideas, but just havn't thought about them that much). What's your email btw?
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
 | [Post Date: 30-Jan-2005 15:34]
I hate spammers 
Startracker [ Posts : 43 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Feb-2005 08:38]
Quote serj(_remove_this_antispam_dog_and_replace_with_at_)dqteam_com
I hate spammers 
remove this antispam dog? i
TJ [ Posts : 32 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Aug-2005 00:44]
How can one use a wormhole made by a krong player?
how long does is will stable?
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Aug-2005 21:30]
Quote How can one use a wormhole made by a krong player?
how long does is will stable?
| All except Fagur can use a WH. You have to place your fleet in idle mode in WH's coordinates. The stable period of a WH made by a player is a varian value that depends on several factors when it was created.
Jay147 [ Posts : 67 ]
 | [Post Date: 18-Sep-2005 20:11]
i believe you should make it clear exactly how much energy you get from stars with orbiting CEC
i like all the fine changes to the game i just wished the guide had all the figures
could Someone tell me here?
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
 | [Post Date: 19-Sep-2005 13:27]
Quote could Someone tell me here?
I can (in pseudocode, but close to real SQL code)
for each idle node with CECs
do begin
-- getting star energy bonus
if (sclass<1) then sclassd=1.0; else sclassd=(sclass*1.0);
produced_en = IDLE_CEC_NUMBER*prod_en_per_cec_space*sbonusd;
end -- of idle space energy generator
prod_en_per_cec_space == 2 in current version (TG has latest codebase), G4 (The Eye) has 10.
Any more questions?
This message was edited by Green
Klutz Lament [ Posts : 50 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Sep-2005 07:21]
Quote prod_en_per_cec_space == 2 in current version (TG has latest codebase), G4 (The Eye) has 10.
That seems like a pretty big nerf. Are you sure you didn't overdo it?
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Sep-2005 08:28]
Quote prod_en_per_cec_space == 2 in current version (TG has latest codebase), G4 (The Eye) has 10.
That seems like a pretty big nerf. Are you sure you didn't overdo it?
| We'll see how it works. The idea was to force players to use military nodes for protection and not CECs in orbit.