Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 18:00]
Hey im not sure if this is a bug or what, but ive signed up for trio twice now, and both times my empire was destroyed. Im pretty sure the only other player currently in the galaxy hasnt killed me twice, but its really really annoying to have to constantly replay the galaxy just to be killed a few turns later.
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 18:40]
I really want an answer to this freaking question. I joined and was killed for a third time. No battle reports, no fights, no nothing. This isnt only happening to me. My friend joined trio and he just got killed too. Whats wrong with trio? does it have a block on it???What did we do wrong? Are we not allowed in Trio? I lasted two turns then i died. Seriously wtf.
Can someone just reset it? I think K is the only one who can play it. I know other people probably tried joining. We might not be the only ones affected by this. This message was edited by Disrupter
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 18:56]
Hmmm, very strange - I did reset as usually. I`ll check it today.
Just created test empire (as human race). Will see, if it will die. This message was edited by Green
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 19:31]
Definatly some bug in trio this round, I see nothing on the hall of fame and no alliances on known alliance, I am not the only player in the galaxy as others are using the forums I but see only my alliance on hall of fame, I see only one other empire and that is test, tester.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 19:34]
Quote Just created test empire (as human race). Will see, if it will die. This message was edited by Green
Sorry missed this bit:
I guess your test: tester then, I see your empire but no others I am playing human (I am K:Lithian) and did not die yet, maybe problem is with other races? I am guessing but Disrupter (Duke DMG) are you playing krong? This message was edited by Emperor L
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 20:57]
im playing krong, so did lord viktor. We both got destroyed for some reason. It has nothing to do with where we are in the galaxy either. I switched spots when lord viktor joined. Anyways its really wierd and doesnt explain the hall of fame. I saw no one else in the forum, and lord viktor and i were both in Big Red One. It never showed up though.
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 21:12]
Ok at roughly 2:00 i joined Trio. For the 4th time. I clicked around a bit and did stuff..again. 7 minutes later, less then one third of a trio turn, i go to click to the guide. I get an "bad login data message" in the upper left. My empire was destroyed again. This didnt even take HALF of a turn. Im playing as krong. Try setting up a test empire as fagur, krong, and mercs as well as the human one. See which races are affected.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 21:24]
Quote Anyways its really wierd and doesnt explain the hall of fame. I saw no one else in the forum, and lord viktor and i were both in Big Red One. It never showed up though.
Can you see anyone else or my alliance (Imperial Alliance)? Also I see zuka at age 3 now and he is also human.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 21:26]
Quote Ok at roughly 2:00 i joined Trio. For the 4th time. I clicked around a bit and did stuff..again. 7 minutes later, less then one third of a trio turn, i go to click to the guide. I get an "bad login data message" in the upper left. My empire was destroyed again. This didnt even take HALF of a turn. Im playing as krong. Try setting up a test empire as fagur, krong, and mercs as well as the human one. See which races are affected.
Ok, I will create a krong empire also just to see what happens (I will delete it when this is sorted so it is not unfair)
edit: Also I see Big Red One alliance now but it has 0 score and says it has one member, I do not see your empire but can see my krong empire with my human login, just have to see what happens... This message was edited by Emperor L
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 23:52]
Ok, my krong empire has lasted 5 turns so far and no problems yet with either of my empires. Duke try again to create an empire.
If it happens again it may be a problem at your end, also are you and victor logging on from same place? Maybe this could be because of a problem with your connection?

Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Jun-2006 23:55]
No its not the connection. My other galaxy empires are all fine. Viktor also uses a different laptop with a different signal for wireless. Ill try again, but i think the 5th time wont make a difference. Ive been waiting to play trio for a while, this little glitch really sucks.
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 25-Jun-2006 04:29]
Ok ive just lost number 5. idk why K's empire works, but trio hates me and lord viktor.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 25-Jun-2006 14:13]
Quote Ok ive just lost number 5. idk why K's empire works, but trio hates me and lord viktor.
So far my krong empire has got to age 33 and still not been deleted. Also zuka and test are both still in galaxy as well. By the look of it the problem is probably something at your end, not sure what though could be doing it or why it only effects trio. Ask victor to join virgo galaxy and see if it also happens to his new empire there also. If it does then the problem is with starting new empires, if not then it is just trio.

Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 25-Jun-2006 14:18]
I am not sure if this has anything to do with it but I just logged in to either TG or virgo (not sure) and all that was displayed was
Quote Not Found
The requested URL /cgi-bin/core was not found on this server
My empire was NOT deleted and still there when I log in again but does this mean anything?
Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
 | [Post Date: 25-Jun-2006 15:51]
My TG and Virgo empires are still alive. I did just delete my TG fagur empire so that i can check to see if its an empire creation thing or a trio only type thing. I dont understand how it can be a problem with my system or computer when the other galaxies work. Its not like i cant see trio or anything either. Ive played it before, and i played it for the one turn my 5 empires survived through there.
Ok has TG been paused or something? I scheduled my empire's deletion a half hour ago at least and not a turn has passed in TG. Does god hate me or is something actually wrong with it? This message was edited by Disrupter
Yea somethign isnt right with TG. I editted this message before i left my house over an hour ago. TG still hasnt advanced any turns. This message was edited by Disrupter