pauldg [ Posts : 104 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 01:18]
I'm not able to attack or do a planetary info on the guardian planet that I want to attack..
I did the planetary survey and it says that the planet is free.. I tried to attack it with my fleet and it didn't do anything.. Lost
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 08:24]
Quote I'm not able to attack or do a planetary info on the guardian planet that I want to attack..
I did the planetary survey and it says that the planet is free.. I tried to attack it with my fleet and it didn't do anything.. Lost
| I'l take a loock at this case, but I think you are doing something wrong as players in Trio galaxy a doing well with Guardians .
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 10:43]
Could you please describe your situation in details. Seams to me everything is ok in data base.
pauldg [ Posts : 104 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 12:57]
I don't want to give the coords because o' obvious reasons .. but this is the Guardian planet with an orbital base.
First of all, the fleet that's supposed to be protecting the system that the planet is in, is sitting 2 boxes away FROM the system (on the sector map).
Secondly, when I click on the star, and it goes to the system screen, I try to do a planetary survey using the *P button. I put in 200000 energy, but it keeps saying "Failed: Planet is free"
Thirdly, I'm using my fighters, bombers, capitals, and some empty transports to "Bombard" the planet (since it has an orbital base). It gives me an error message saying "Invalid planet coordinates or planet is free"
Is that detailed enough? I don't know what else I can say..
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 13:48]
Thanks. Will try to solve this problem asap. Meantime gather some additional forces.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 14:24]
Problem fixed.
This message was edited by Maverick
Zoo [ Posts : 32 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 16:28]
Well, I have another (?) problem with the guardian (another guardian, but also in Virgo). This is (or was) the Fagur guardian. I took out the fleets in the system, then lost my bombers to the tachys on the planet when my clever transport screen didn't feel like joining the bombing mission. I built a larger bomber fleet and returned. After the second (succcessful) bombing mission, the planet is free and I cannot conquer it.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 17:18]
Quote Well, I have another (?) problem with the guardian (another guardian, but also in Virgo). This is (or was) the Fagur guardian. I took out the fleets in the system, then lost my bombers to the tachys on the planet when my clever transport screen didn't feel like joining the bombing mission. I built a larger bomber fleet and returned. After the second (succcessful) bombing mission, the planet is free and I cannot conquer it.
| Transports do not participate in bombing a planet. After that you have destroyed everything on planet, thus you have nothing to conquer. Now you need to colonize the planet.
Zoo [ Posts : 32 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 17:35]
I can't colonize any more planets. And I had to bomb it, or I would have needed 10 million troops or something. Do you intend to limit empires to 100 planets? Otherwise I think you must change this, so that a planet can still be invaded no matter how hard you bomb it.
Edit: Of course I could have calculated a bomber force that would have left a few creatures alive. It strikes me as a very artificial thing to have to do, though. This message was edited by Zoo
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 18:23]
Quote I can't colonize any more planets. And I had to bomb it, or I would have needed 10 million troops or something. Do you intend to limit empires to 100 planets? Otherwise I think you must change this, so that a planet can still be invaded no matter how hard you bomb it.
Edit: Of course I could have calculated a bomber force that would have left a few creatures alive. It strikes me as a very artificial thing to have to do, though.
| If you conquer a guardian planet without any preparations then for sure you will need huge forces. Guardian planet were ment to be strongholds. It wasn ment to be an easy target. otherwise it wouldn be interesting (imho) or am I wrong?
Thare are lot of strategies to conquer those planets. If you are in an alliance your allies should help you. If no, you have to free some of your planets just to colonize it.
Zoo [ Posts : 32 ]
 | [Post Date: 29-Oct-2004 19:04]
Quote If you conquer a guardian planet without any preparations then for sure you will need huge forces.
I'm not sure what you mean by that... Are you saying I could have conquered it with less forces if I had prepared better? But anyway, the problem here is not the size of the required force - I had adequate forces.
Quote Guardian planet were ment to be strongholds. It wasn ment to be an easy target. otherwise it wouldn be interesting (imho) or am I wrong?
No-no, I agree completely. If anything, they should be even stronger
Quote Thare are lot of strategies to conquer those planets. If you are in an alliance your allies should help you. If no, you have to free some of your planets just to colonize it.
Again, I'm not sure I get your point. As I see it there was two ways to conquer that planet: By sending in troops right away, or by bombing it first and THEN sending in troops. I didn't need any help for option 2, and I'm not sure how much help I could have had for option 1
Did you really intend that these planets be conquered by sending over 7 million troops? It's not that big a force, resource wise, but it would take some logistics to train that many troops. It is not realistic to train more than 100000 at a time at one planet, and that would require more bases than I usually have. And it would still require training at 70 planets, and then moving them all to a rally point. And building extra farms to support them, I guess. Lots of work
I don't think I would choose to do all this work, but rather reduce my bomber force so that the planetary defenses were not completely wiped out. But as I said, I regard this as an artificial situation - I mean, look at your own reply, you talk about the guardian planets as being strongholds that SHOULD take large forces to conquer - yet here we have a situation where I should in fact have used LESS. Perhaps not absurd alltogether, but still... artificial, at least
Let me just stress that I have no intention of telling you how to make your own game, I'm just uncertain that this is the way you really wanted it to be. If you say everything is as it's meant to be, I'm sure I will find a way to adapt to the situation 
pauldg [ Posts : 104 ]
 | [Post Date: 30-Oct-2004 01:58]
Quote Thanks. Will try to solve this problem asap. Meantime gather some additional forces.
I can see what you mean by this.. My fleet (without troops) has been mysteriously transported out of the system, and my transports with troops were transported (again mysteriously) INTO the system, and then attacked by the guardian force that (for the third time- mysteriously) WASNT there before.. This is insane.. I lost 2000 transports and 100000 troops.. I might be second in the galaxy but that's a prety low-down trick to play... .. Gather forces .. .. This message was edited by pauldg
pauldg [ Posts : 104 ]
 | [Post Date: 30-Oct-2004 03:48]
I demolished the Guardian Fleet.. so there

Zoo [ Posts : 32 ]
 | [Post Date: 30-Oct-2004 04:16]
After consulting with my ally, I have two questions in relation to my failed (or too successful) assault on the Guardian:
1. Is it only Fagur planets that enters the "free" state when everything on it is destroyed by bombardment?
2. Does this only happen if the attacking empire does not simultaneously send a conquest mission?
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 30-Oct-2004 12:02]
Quote After consulting with my ally, I have two questions in relation to my failed (or too successful) assault on the Guardian:
1. Is it only Fagur planets that enters the "free" state when everything on it is destroyed by bombardment?
2. Does this only happen if the attacking empire does not simultaneously send a conquest mission?
| This thread started to be more a sort of FAQ.
Fagur planets will be considered free if you destroy all Hives on it.
Human planets will be considered free if there are no more population and troops on surface.
Krong planet will be considered free if no more units are on surface.
Any battle is devided in several phases, that are not calculated simultaniously but one after another.
- Spy missions
- Space battle
- Orbital battle
- Bombardment
- Conquer
This means, if you bombard and then conquer (for example) even in same turn, first will be calculated bombardment (here you have the posibility to "free" the planet) and then if the planet is still considered occupied the conquering will take place.