Forums / DQ: Empires - Community / Suggestions / collapsing 'uncollapsable' stars and other cool stuff
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[ Posts : 67 ]
[Post Date: 25-Sep-2005 23:48]

krong could be able to change star class at HUGE expenses
increrasing their mass by 'throwing' in alot of metal say...

from class M to K would cost 5,000,000 metal 5,000,000 energy, 10 U4's and 30 turns

from class K to G would cost 7,500,000 metal and 7,500,000 energy, 15 U4's and 45 turns

from class G to F would cost 15,000,000 metal and 15,000,000 energy, 25 U4's and 70 turns (this should cost alot more as it alows the user to turn this star into a blackhole)

from class F to A would cost 20,000,000 metal and 20,000,000 energy, 30 U4s and 80 turns

and so on i think you get the picture and just so you can't interfer for the first 5 turns the procedure can be stopped by an enemy but from then on it cannot be stopped no matter how big the froce is uness a star nearby is turned into a Blackhole and then sucks the changin star into it

i think along with this CEC properties should be changed to 0 damage done in orbit but the 920 remains in space, and their orbital energy production should be changed back to what it was or just a little lower not towards 1-10 though i believe this is way too low. maybe to stop people from getting unlimited energy income you could chnage it so that there is a limit to income or the Hypernode will 'Overload' if too much energy is hypered to the node. the max could depend on how many planets you have or you could make a new I-Node that allows for Hypernode calculations like a 'Hyper Computer' or 'Cyber computer'

many ideas but whether they are considered is up to you, even if they were not conisedered i would understand maybe other players would like to add somehting to all this or just say there opinion on why it shouldn't be done

This message was edited by Jay147
[ Posts : 16 ]
[Post Date: 26-Sep-2005 07:24]

I don't agree with making uncalapsable stars into a calapsable state, the point of it is that there is a place for races to be able to be safe from krong, such as fagur, because they can't defend against u4's, the game balance would be completely turned to krongs favor.
[ Posts : 67 ]
[Post Date: 26-Sep-2005 18:27]

not neccessaraly, those prices are high as krong i would use it to make my CECs more profitable changing a system so you can turn it into a blackhole would only be an act of desperation

and blackholes are all krong have, their bombardment is terreble the amount needed is rediculous.
[ Posts : 37 ]
[Post Date: 26-Sep-2005 23:31]

Changing CEC damage to 0 in orbit and keeping 920 for space. Come on you want to make krong not be able to defend themselves. Also changing star mass, maybe, but not likely other races need safe havens from the krong. Like the krong have from Fagur and Humans, Asteriods and especially gas gaints.

High prices, come on if you have enought material to make a wormhole you do have enough material to increase a stars mass.

Also DQ Empires your suppose to be playing in teams not going solo. Each race is balanced and counter-balanced against each other so that no race is more powerful then another. One race maybe better in one area, but another weaker in another. So overall no race is overpowered expect maybe the Mercs. (Haven't played in awhile so dont' know how they are)

About overloading the hypernode I'm guessing inpractible and it shouldn't be done. As for having unlimited energy amount, what are you doing?? Hoarding it, you should be using it to move fleets.

Dont' know how it is now, but when I was playin Krong players really didn't have unlimited energy amounts as they used them to move fleets and build fleets. Maybe know there aint' that much fighting than there was before.

As stated in the begining making stars collapsible will make the favor go to the Krong and unfair for other players. Believe me it would be nice as I practiclly always played as Krong when I played here, but I'm not up for it. It will ruin the game balance. I still remember before the Admin made sure that not all stars were collapsible alot of people were angry and were saying that the Krong were overpowered.
[ Posts : 67 ]
[Post Date: 26-Sep-2005 23:48]

if anything krong are under powered if someone occupied only non-collapsable stars which i think is a great strategy how on earth are krong supposed to get 50-60 planets with 1000 tachies it takes at least 10,000,000 Y-Units and that takes me 13 turns to make and i have 700 planets meaning while you can get 1 planet off an enemy they can get 3-4 of yours
whereas fagur can get hordes to take 3 planets in 18 turns with only 50 planets
so if fagur had 700 planets they could take ~4 planets per turn
[ Posts : 37 ]
[Post Date: 27-Sep-2005 00:50]

if anything krong are under powered if someone occupied only non-collapsable stars which i think is a great strategy how on earth are krong supposed to get 50-60 planets with 1000 tachies it takes at least 10,000,000 Y-Units and that takes me 13 turns to make and i have 700 planets meaning while you can get 1 planet off an enemy they can get 3-4 of yours
whereas fagur can get hordes to take 3 planets in 18 turns with only 50 planets
so if fagur had 700 planets they could take ~4 planets per turn

get some help from team members. Also fagur cant' conquer gas gaints and i'm not sure asteriods(hope they changed it so it aint' conquerable for fagur). Second of all krong were not meant for bombarding planets.

Krong for fleet ingagements, Fagur for invasions, and Humans for bombardment/invasion.
[ Posts : 67 ]
[Post Date: 27-Sep-2005 01:15]

as krong id prefer to go alone it would be more fun i have 700 planets i get 800,000 y-units a trun and 2.5 mill energy it sounds great but what i can actually do with it is not much the least that could be done is let U3 bombard
[ Posts : 1331 ]
[Post Date: 27-Sep-2005 10:01]

In The Pleiads galaxy Y-units have 2 dmg when bombarding. We'll see how its changing the overall Krong strategy.
[ Posts : 67 ]
[Post Date: 27-Sep-2005 10:12]

thanks for implementing that it may help