Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 18-Nov-2008 01:04]
Here are a list of all things that need to be done to finish the guide (I will delete them as they are completed):
Game Basics - Add 'Rules and Regulations' and 'History' sections.
Battles - Add 'Battle Reports' section. Rewrite 'Space Battles' section.
(In Progress) Alliances - Finish all areas where marked. Add about changing relation (alliance leader) and leaving alliance.
Services - Explain how to activate services, and about services screen.
Controling Fleets - All Text
Formations and Tactics - Fleet Tactics section. Take text from 'Battles' page.
(Text Written) Ranking - All text
Galaxies - All text
Science Page - Finish 'Research Queue' section, include in queue section about how points are wasted if not used, and add section about research dificulty.
Stars - Maybe add more information.
Planets - More details about richness, size and class etc. Also more about guardian planets and terraforming.
Tutorials and Guides - All Text
FAQ's Page - Finish answers and write intro. Update with any new questions.
This message was edited by Emperor L
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 18-Nov-2008 01:13]
Few changes:
On the resources page, above food section, could a Yellow (with lines) heading be added saying 'Resources'
Could all headings on the Colonies page be made yellow with lines?
On the Stars page:
clasification should be spelt classification (extra 's').
'starclasses' in the bottom part needs a space adding, so its 'star classes'.
On the Planets page:
Quote Planets size can vary from Tiny to Huge. The smallest planets tend to have Low gravity, while the bigges one Heavy gravity. Planets with Low or Heavy gavity increase buildings maintenance with +25%.
'bigges' should be 'biggest'
'gavity' should be 'gravity'
Quote Mineral abundance of a planet varies from Ultra Poor to Ultra Rich. The lowerest class planets tend to be the richiest in mineral abundance, while higher one are poorest in mineral abundance.
'lowerest' should be 'lower'
'richiest' should be 'richest'
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 18-Nov-2008 17:11]
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 19-Nov-2008 19:35]
Could headings on 'Getting Started' page be like the others, yellow with lines at the top and bottom? Same on the fleets page. Also, Colonies page, the text for headings needs to be yellow also.
Also, on planets page:
In game it says 'High Gravity', this is better than 'Heavy Gravity' so can that be changed in the guide? Also, a few other changes:
Maybe text for top of planets page could be:
Delta Quadrant: Horizons uses its own planets classification, mostly inspired by movies and games. There are a total of 13 types of planet, and these are grouped into 7 planet classes.
Planets can vary in size, from Tiny to Huge. The smallest planets tend to have Low gravity, while the biggest planets have High gravity. Planets with Low or High gravity have higher buildings maintenance costs than normal.
Mineral abundance on a planet can vary, from Ultra Poor to Ultra Rich. The lower class planets tend to be the richest in minerals, while higher class planets tend to be poorer in mineral abundance.
Also, in the descriptions:
'This planets cannot be colonized.' should be 'Planets of this class cannot be colonized.' (slightly rewrote it)
'Farming is not possible on this planets. ' should be 'Farming is not possible on these planets.' (replaced 'this' with 'these')
Also, for the guardian planet, it should say 'This planet was developed by an ancient race' (added 'an')
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 19-Nov-2008 22:09]
Here is some updated text for the Empire page, explaining the new Empire Selection screen, it should replace the bit in quotes:
Quote To create a new empire, select an active galaxy by clicking its picture, and you will be taken to the empire creation page. Here you must enter a name for your empire and leader. When you are ready click Create, and if everything was correct, your empire will be created.
[Need information about what happens next]
To create a new empire, first find a galaxy that is open, and click the ‘Join Now’ button. You will be taken to the empire creation page. Here you must enter a name for your empire and leader. When you are ready click ‘Create’, and if everything was correct, your empire will be created.
Once your empire is created, you will be taken back to the Empire Selection Screen.
Also, the 'Empire Selection' section of the empire page needs a change in the bit that says:
Quote To access an existing empire, select it from the list at the top of the page.
Needs replacing with:
To access an existing empire, select it from the list on the left of the page.
This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Nov-2008 14:04]
Quote Could headings on 'Getting Started' page be like the others, yellow ...
| All done. Except I'll leave everywhere 'heavy' gravity as it was in MOO2 
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Nov-2008 14:55]
Quote Here is some updated text for the Empire page, ...
| Done. Thanks.
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 21-Nov-2008 21:19]
Ok, is colonisation implemented for the new map yet? If it is, please could I have a few colonisation ships in a galaxy, so I can write the section for the part where it says [Insert all colonisation details once implemented] on the colonies page.
Below are descriptions for the bottom of the Colonies Page:
[icon][h2]Construction Yard[/h2]
The Construction Yard allows you to place orders for new buildings into the colony build queue. When you click the Construction Yard icon, a list of available buildings will display, categorized by building type. Click [+ symbol] to expand the list, and click [add] to add a building to the queue.
Note that each building can only be built once per colony, and will be removed from the Construction Yard list once ordered or built.
[icon][h2]Ship Yard[/h2]
The Ship Yard allows you to place orders for new ships into the colony build queue. When you click the Ship Yard icon, a list of your ship designs will display, categorised by ship class. Click [+ symbol] to expand the list, and click [add] to add a ship to the queue.
Note that you can add multiple ships of the same type to queue at the same time, just keep clicking [add].
[icon][h2]Manage Colony Buildings[/h2]
The Manage Colony Buildings menu allows you to view and sell (demolish) any buildings that are already constructed at a colony. When you click the Manage Colony Buildings icon, a list of existing buildings will display, categorized by building type. Click [+ symbol] to expand the list, and click [sell] to sell a building for a small amount of money [insert money symbol].
Note that selling a building is an immediate action, and will remove the building from your colony. You will loose any benefits, as well as maintenance costs you had from that building. You can rebuild the building again from the Construction Yard.
[icon][h2]Colony Notebook[/h2]
The colony notebook is a place for you to write notes related to your colony (or anything else you wish). It can be useful for recording plans and strategies related to individual colonies. The colony notebook is private to your empire, and will not be seen by other players.
To edit or view your colony notes, click the Colony Notebook icon, and type your notes into the space provided. When you are done, click [set] to save your changes. Click [close] to exit the notebook.
[h1]Colony Queue[/h1]
[Will add soon]
Also, what happens to the notbook when a planet is invaded? Do the notes get deleted, or will the new owner see them? Maybe they should be deleted, incase the previous owner wants them kept private? It needs testing either way
This message was edited by Emperor L This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 22-Nov-2008 12:29]
Quote Ok, is colonisation implemented for the new map yet? If it is, please could I have a few colonisation ships in a galaxy, so I can write the section for the part where it says [Insert all colonisation details once implemented] on the colonies page.
| Yes, colonization from map is implemented. It is not an instant action as it was before. Now a nearest colonization ship will be sent with a colonization mission. I'll ad you some colonization ships, shortly.
Quote Below are descriptions for the bottom of the Colonies Page:
| Done.
Quote Also, what happens to the notbook when a planet is invaded? Do the notes get deleted, or will the new owner see them? Maybe they should be deleted, incase the previous owner wants them kept private? It needs testing either way 
| New planet owner will see them. Think about is as capturing some secret papers
EDIT: Added some colonization ships.
This message was edited by Maverick
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 22-Nov-2008 14:41]
Quote Below are descriptions for the bottom of the Colonies Page:
| Done.
Quote Also, what happens to the notbook when a planet is invaded? Do the notes get deleted, or will the new owner see them? Maybe they should be deleted, incase the previous owner wants them kept private? It needs testing either way 
| New planet owner will see them. Think about is as capturing some secret papers 
Ok, maybe just change the part in the notebook section that says:
Quote The colony notebook is private to your empire, and will not be seen by other players.
Change to:
The colony notebook is private to your empire, and will not normally be seen by other players. However, if your planet is captured by another player, they will capture your notes for that colony as well.
Quote EDIT: Added some colonization ships.
Thanks, I will write that part soon.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 22-Nov-2008 17:30]
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 23-Nov-2008 14:59]
Some of the links that are on pages in the guide return to the front page, I think its just:
Buildings Page (links to Orbital and Ground)
Colonies Page (link to Ships)

Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 23-Nov-2008 15:18]
Here is the colonization text for the colonies page.
I rewrote most of the section, and also, I have been using the spelling 'Colonisation' (with an 's') where in game it uses 'Colonization' (with a 'z'). I think both are correct, but it is best to use the same spelling all through, so I changed all to use the 'z' spelling. The rest of the page may need the spelling changing also.
Obviously, 'colonies' always needs an 's'. But Colonization and Colonize are both ok with a 'z'.
In order to start a new colony, you will first need an idle Colonization Ship. Like all ships these can be built using the Ship Designer, as long as you have the necessary technologies. See the [link]Ships[/link] page for more detail on designing and building ships. You will also need to research X-Colonization in order to use the colonization command.
Once you have everything required, you must send a colonization ship to colonize a planet. This can be done in several ways, but will take time, depending on how far the colonization ship is from the target planet.
[h2]Colonization from Galaxy Map[/h2]
To colonize a planet from the Galaxy Map, first select the star system that contains a free planet you wish to colonize. Next, left click your chosen planet, and you will be asked to confirm colonization. Click [confirm], and if the command was successful, the nearest idle colonization ship will be sent to colonize the planet.
[h2]Colonization from the Fleets Management Screen[/h2]
You can also use the Path Manager on the Fleets Management Screen to colonize a planet. First select the destination star system (see [add link when written] for further help on this). Next, select ‘Colonize’ from the action dropdown list in the center, and then select a planet by clicking ‘Select target planet’ on the right.
When you are ready, click [go] and [insert details of what is sent etc]
[h2]Colonization from Explored Planets Database[/h2]
If you have access to the Explored Planets Database, you can colonize a free planet by clicking [insert icon]. If the command is successful, the nearest idle colonization ship will be sent to colonize the planet.
Also, just one part I wasnt sure about, when using the path manager with a colonization command. It seems any fleet can be sent to colonize, I sent a fleet of drones on a colonization mission, but it had no colonisation ship. It probably will fail, but what should happen in this case? If your colonisation ship is in a fleet, does the whole fleet get sent to colonise, or just the col ship.
This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Nov-2008 14:14]
Quote Some of the links that are on pages in the guide return to the front page, I think its just:
Buildings Page (links to Orbital and Ground)
Colonies Page (link to Ships)

| Fixed.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 24-Nov-2008 14:40]
Quote [h1]Colonization[/h1]...
| Done.
Quote Also, just one part I wasnt sure about, when using the path manager with a colonization command. It seems any fleet can be sent to colonize, I sent a fleet of drones on a colonization mission, but it had no colonisation ship. It probably will fail, but what should happen in this case? If your colonisation ship is in a fleet, does the whole fleet get sent to colonise, or just the col ship.
This message was edited by Emperor L
| Entire fleet will be sent to colonizae targeted planet. Think as it having an escort. If a fleet has a colonization ship and everything went right then it will colonize it. If it doesn't have any colonization ship then it will travel to target system and fail in its mission. 