Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 02-Jan-2009 16:37]
Quote Ok, next for the science section...
| Done.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 02-Jan-2009 16:51]
Quote I plan to finish alliances page, and will test things using development server. Could I have some GC on the development server, so I can create, delete alliances and send request etc?
I have 55 points right now on dev server, I already tested some things, but need to create an alliance (or I could try this next round in real game I guess). I sent a request to join TF, could you accept it? I will test leaving alliance etc.
| You have enough GC now
Quote Also, I noticed I could send requests to multiple alliances. Is this intended? What happens if both alliances accept? Will I join the first to accept, or change alliance if another accepts?
Maybe create another alliance if it needs testing.
| You can request to join to any number of alliances same time. When one will accept you all other requests will be cancelled.
Quote Here is some text for dissolving alliance, it could go under the 'Accepting Alliance Requests' section...
| Done. Thanks. 
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 02-Jan-2009 17:49]
Quote You have enough GC now 
Heh, thanks
Can members of an alliance leave? I notice you cant expell members, but maybe this will be added?
If you can leave, then could you accept my request on dev server, so I know exactly how to leave.
Quote You can request to join to any number of alliances same time. When one will accept you all other requests will be cancelled.
Ok, thats what I though, it is already explained in guide, as I thought that most likely.
Also, here is text for alliances page for section 'Starting An Alliance'. It can replace existing text.
If you are not currently a member of an alliance, then you are able to start one yourself.
From the alliances screen, in the right column labelled ‘Create new alliance’, enter a name for your alliance and click ‘Create’. If everything was ok, your alliance will be created.
Once created, you will become the leader of the new alliance. It is your task to recruit new members, and lead your alliance to victory.
[red]Note:[/red] Starting an alliance costs 300 [GC icon]. You will not get this back, even if you dissolve your alliance.
Also, a few questions. Is their any way to change leader? Or once leader, do you remain leader?
Also, if leader is destroyed, what happens? Does alliance get dissolved, or have no leader, or does it get passed to someone else?
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 02-Jan-2009 18:04]
Quote You have enough GC now 
Heh, thanks
Can members of an alliance leave? I notice you cant expell members, but maybe this will be added?
If you can leave, then could you accept my request on dev server, so I know exactly how to leave. 
| Accepted. You can expel any member of an alliance and you can leave the alliance at any time.
Quote Also, a few questions. Is their any way to change leader? Or once leader, do you remain leader?
Also, if leader is destroyed, what happens? Does alliance get dissolved, or have no leader, or does it get passed to someone else?

| A leader remains leader until alliance is dissolved. You cannot change the leader even if its empire is destroyed. Actually your empire remains active and you can rule your alliance. 
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 03-Jan-2009 19:28]
Here is text for Formations and tactics page.
I need to take some information from battles page for this page, and rewrite some of battles page. So for now it has a temporary link to battles page, untill that is sorted out.
Also, about ranges. What happens if more than 2 fleets/empires are in a battle? What range is used?
Here is text:
Strength alone isn’t always the key to victory. In times when you’re outnumbered, or out fired, it is tactics that can turn the tide of battle, and give you victory against unfavourable odds.
In Delta Quadrant: Horizons, there are several ways your fleets can have an advantage or disadvantage against your enemies, these are Formations, Range and Tactics.
Formations are the way your ships are organised within your fleet. Formations affect the way damage is distributed among your ships, and also your fleets accuracy and evasion.
Ships at the front of your fleet will take damage first, and this means they will be first to be destroyed. You can use this to your advantage if you plan your ship designs carefully.
[image][H2]Point Formation[/h2]
This formation places your smallest ships at the front, making them first to be destroyed in battle. Your fleet remains together, increasing accuracy by [insert value].
[image][H2]Flanking Point Formation[/h2]
This formation splits your fleet in half, and places small ships towards the front of each section, making them first to be destroyed in battle. This formation increases fleet evasion by [insert value].
[image][H2]Hammer Formation[/h2]
This formation places your largest ships at the front, making them first to be destroyed in battle. Your fleet remains together, increasing accuracy by [insert value].
[image][H2]Flanking Hammer Formation[/h2]
This formation splits your fleet in half, and places the largest ships towards the front of each section, making them first to be destroyed in battle. This formation increases fleet evasion by [insert value].
[image][H2]Swarm Formation[/h2]
Your ships are organised in a random way, meaning ships are destroyed more or less randomly. Your fleet remains together, increasing accuracy by [insert value].
[image][H2]Flanking Swarm Formation[/h2]
This formation splits your fleet in half, and ships are organised in a random way, meaning ships are destroyed more or less randomly. This formation increases fleet evasion by [insert value].
Your ship weapons have an optimal range that affects the accuracy of your shots. This range relates to the distance between your fleet and the enemy fleet when a battle is in progress. There are 3 possible ranges: Close, Medium and Far.
[h2]Range Penalties[/h2]
If your weapons are fighting at the wrong range, then your shots will be less accurate and your fleets overall attack will be reduced.
[Table of penalties here]
[h2]Battle Range[/h2]
As mentioned above, the range at which your fleets fight affects your ships performance during a battle. In order to influence the battle range, you may set your fleet to have a certain range. See [insert link when written] for help on doing this.
This range is not necessarily the range at which your fleet will fight, but instead an average is taken from both sides, and this will be the resulting range.
For example, if your fleet is set to ‘Close’, and your enemy is set to ‘Far’, this will average out to Medium range combat for both sides. See the table below for full list of possibilities.
[Table of ranges here]
[h1]Fleet Tactics[/h1]
Fleet tactics control how your fleet responds if it is idle in the same star as a fleet from another empire. There are three types of tactic, these are Aggressive, Guard and Defensive. Fleets may also be set to help allies.
[red bold] More information will be added soon, for now, see the [link]Battles Page[/link].[/red bold]
This message was edited by Emperor L This message was edited by Emperor L This message was edited by Emperor L
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 03-Jan-2009 23:29]
Here is text for ranking page. Maybe it would be better to rename this page 'Score' or 'Empire Score'.
In Delta Quadrant: Horizons, your empire is given points for many things, such as researching technologies, or building a new building or ship. This score is used to rank your empire against all others in the galaxy, and give you a position on the galaxy scoreboard.
You can view your own score from the Headquarters Page [icon], and you may view the scores of all empires in the galaxy from the Scores page.
At the end of the round, your score will be used to increase your all time score that can be found [link]here[/link]. For more information on all time score, see [insert link when written].
Players in first, second and third positions on the scoreboard will also win some GC as a prize at the end of the round. See [link]Services[/link] page for details.
[H1]Increasing your score[/h1]
There are many ways to increase your score, these are listed below:
Every time you research a technology, this will increase your score. The amount depends on the number of science points [symbol] required for that technology. Any research that is incomplete, but that has some progress will also increase score.
For more information about research, see the [link]Science[/link] page.
[red]Note:[/red] Any research points[symbol] that are not used each turn are wasted, and do not count towards your score.
[h2]Buildings and Ships[/h2]
All of your buildings and ships count towards your score. The amount depends on the build cost of each item.
For more information, see the [link]Buildings[/link] and [link]Ships[/link] pages.
[red]Note:[/red] If your ships or buildings are scrapped, sold, or destroyed, then you loose any score you had from them.
[red]Also Note:[/red] Terraforming does not count as a building when score is calculated. [need to check this]
[h2]Empire Treasure[/h2]
The amount of money in your empire treasury affects your score.
[h2]Planets and Population[/h2]
All of your planets count towards your score. The amount received from each planet depends on its size, resource abundance, class and population.
For more information about planets, see the [link]Planets[/link] page.
[red]Note:[/red] Guardian planets are very valuable, and increase your score considerably more than normal planets.
Do freighters cout towards score? I am guessing yes...
Does terraforming count as building when score is calculated? I am guessing no. What about jump gates?
 This message was edited by Emperor L This message was edited by Emperor L
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 05-Jan-2009 18:50]
Here is some more for alliance page:
For the Accepting Alliance Requests section, where it says:
Quote To accept [insert details], or similarly, to decline [details].
To accept, click [accept] to the left of the request, or to decline click [red cross] to the right.
Also, at bottom, it says 'Non-aggression Treaty (NAP)', not sure why I wrote that Should be 'Non-aggression Pact (NAP)'.
Then here is text for that section:
[symbol][h2]Non-aggression Pact (NAP)[/h2]
A Non-aggression Pact (NAP) is an agreement between two alliances, not to attack each other. It does not stop you from attacking, but if you have agreed to one, you should abide by it. Any fleets you have with aggressive tactics will not attack fleets from an alliance that you have NAP with.
Neutral is the default relation. It means you have no special relation to the other alliance. Only fleets that have aggressive tactics will attack an alliance you are neutral with.
[red]Note:[/red] You also return to neutral after cancelling a NAP, or accepting peace with another alliance.
If you are at war with another alliance, then you and/or they are actively seeking to destroy the other. You should prepare defences, and fleets both for defence and offence, and attack whenever you get the chance.
[red]Note:[/red] You do not have to be at war in order to attack another alliance, but it makes the situation clear to all members if you declare war. Any fleets that have aggressive or guard tactics will automatically attack an empire you are at war with.
For more information about fleet tactics, see the [link]Formations & Tactics[/link] page.
[red]Note:[/red] Only an alliance leader may change relations to another alliance.
This message was edited by Emperor L This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 06-Jan-2009 14:18]
Quote Here is text for Formations and tactics page...
| Done. (Will be added with new patch.)
Quote Also, about ranges. What happens if more than 2 fleets/empires are in a battle? What range is used?
| Each fleet find a target. Then all calculation are done between this 2 fleets.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 06-Jan-2009 14:27]
Quote Here is text for ranking page...
| Done. (Will be available with next patch)
Quote Do freighters cout towards score? I am guessing yes...
| No, freighters are not counted, but could be added quite easily.
Quote Does terraforming count as building when score is calculated? I am guessing no. What about jump gates?
| Terraforming is not counted as you upgrade your planet that is counted. Jump Gates are not counted yet, but will be soon 
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 06-Jan-2009 15:05]
Quote Here is some more for alliance page:
| Done. Thanks. (Will be added with new patch.)
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 14-Mar-2009 13:54]
Here is a section for the Miscelaneous page, about all time score:
[h1]All time score[/h1]
Players achievements within Delta Quadrant: Horizons are used to calculate their all time score. This all time score will be updated each time a round ends, and shows your achievements from every round you have played. You may view the all time score of all players [link]here[/link], or by clicking the ‘Scores’ link on the main page.
Your all time score is increased each time you survive a round of Delta Quadrant: Horizons. The amount it increases depends on your position on the galaxy score board at the end of that round. For exact values, see the table below:
[orange]Table of scores[/orange]
[Insert table of how many points each position is worth].
Your all time score is used to rank you against all other players of Delta Quadrant: Horizons.
Your position on the all time score page is based on your rank. Only the most skilled and determined players can claim the top positions at their own.
[h2]Other Statistics[/h2]
As well as score and rank, a few other statistics are displayed on the all time score page. These include the total number of guardian planets you held at the end of all rounds, the number of rounds you have won (first place at end of round), and the number of times you have been defeated.
Also, the scores page can now have the section that says 'For more information on all time score, see [insert link when written].' changed to 'You can find more information about all time score [link to miscellaneous page]here[/link].'
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 14-Mar-2009 13:59]
Also, on the Formations and Tacktics page, in the table of ranges, in 3 places needs changing from 'Mediun' to 'Medium'.
For the 'Getting Started' page, in Rules and regualtions maybe add some text:
'You may view the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, Game Rules and Contact Details [link]here[/link].'
Also, here is some text for the very bottom of the science page. It should go below the existing text. The part that says '[more details need adding here]' can be deleted.
[h2]Moving and Removing Items in Research Queue[/h2]
You can move items in the research queue, up and down. This will change the order in which they are researched. To move an item up click[up arrow], similarly to move it down, click[down arrow].
If you move an item within the queue, its current completion status will remain, and you may continue to research that item at a later stage.
You can also delete an item from queue by clicking [cross icon], this will stop it from being researched, and all progress will be lost, meaning you will have to start this item again if you later add it to the research queue.
[red]Note:[/red] If you have excess science points [icon] when an item is complete, then the unused points will be lost, and do not get carried over to the next item.
This message was edited by Emperor L