Disrupter [ Posts : 458 ]
| [Post Date: 21-Jul-2006 02:25]
Hey i just saw that Virgo is now closed. Does that mean that the pleiads will be coming online? I hope so, that looks like a really good galaxy.
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
| [Post Date: 23-Jul-2006 23:27]
Pleyads was designed for big battles - there was up to 100 players in it. If you want we can reset it, but will be enougth players for it?
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
| [Post Date: 24-Jul-2006 16:50]
Dont know, but it should be ok, also if not enough players could it be possible to have more turns (maybe 10000 instead of 2500) because this would allow empires to become huge. Not sure if this can easily be done or not, but if its just changing a number somewhere could empire limits for pleiads be changed also, maybe a colonisation limit of 500 planets as human and change fagur by same % or something?
Forgot to say, if it is posible for 10000 turns could they be 10 or 20 mins long or something, 40 mins would probably take a year or something for the round to end This message was edited by Emperor L
Parallax [ Posts : 11 ]
| [Post Date: 22-Aug-2006 03:46]
Yes, I agree that the Pleiades would be a cool galaxy to open up. I also agree with K's suggestion of changing the rules a bit for the new galaxy. If possible I think it would be really fun to have a 10000 or something turn galaxy (a large one like the Pleiades) with higher planet allowances for humans, and maybe a few other differences. But obviously the turns couldn't be more than 20 minutes or the galaxy would take like 100 something days. It's something to think about at least, huh?
Hey, how can I get a flag icon? (It'd be American) This message was edited by Parallax
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
| [Post Date: 22-Aug-2006 11:48]
Quote Hey, how can I get a flag icon? (It'd be American)
When you login to these fourums on the first page at the top is a Prefrences button, click it and you can change your password and details etc.
In the Changing personal info section select your country and the flag will show
Only problem is that you cant change your forum name, so I have to keep using this name now...
This message was edited by Emperor L
Parallax [ Posts : 11 ]
| [Post Date: 23-Aug-2006 21:50]
Thanks K.
Shinobi-Thief [ Posts : 30 ]
| [Post Date: 01-Sep-2006 00:01]
We want Pleiads!
I also agree with Emporer L, (K is that you?!? How many times have I seen that name and not realise it was you!)
Even if there aren't many players, that just means the few that ARE there can become hugh and create colossal battles!
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
| [Post Date: 11-Sep-2006 16:48]
Sorry, people we was wery busy this summer. Pleyads will be started in 1-2 days, I`ll send notice via email to all active players
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
| [Post Date: 12-Sep-2006 14:39]
Quote Sorry, people we was wery busy this summer. Pleyads will be started in 1-2 days, I`ll send notice via email to all active players
Ok, Thanks
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
| [Post Date: 12-Sep-2006 23:13]
Sorry, got problems with server today. Tomorrow will start Pleyads.
Shinobi-Thief [ Posts : 30 ]
| [Post Date: 13-Sep-2006 15:49]
Pleiads not Pleyads, why is everyone spelling it that way?
Green [ Posts : 1005 ]
| [Post Date: 13-Sep-2006 18:57]
Quote Pleiads not Pleyads, why is everyone spelling it that way?
According to my Russian-English dictionary, it spelled as "Pleiades" in astronomical terms
According to Messier catalogue (http://www.seds.org/messier/m/m045.html) it is spelled "Pleiades" too
In any case we all speak about Galaxy Nr 5
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
| [Post Date: 13-Sep-2006 19:26]
Quote Pleiads not Pleyads, why is everyone spelling it that way?
Its a difficult word to spell and we all know what it means, doesn't matter if we spell it Pliades, pleeyadez or pleyads,