Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 18-Nov-2008 00:40]
Here is some text for the fleets page, I have some questions to complete it though, they are below the text:
Fleets form a major part of Delta Quadrant: Horizons. You must learn to use them to their fullest if you are to build a successful military, and spread your influence throughout the stars.
Fleets require [link]Ships[/link] in order to exist, and every fleet must have at least one ship. If it does not, then the fleet will be deleted at the end of the current turn. On the flip side, all ships must belong to a fleet. Even if there is only one ship in a fleet. All newly constructed ships belong to their own fleet by default. [Insert details of how to change if necessary].
[need details of exact ways empty fleets work, and are removed etc].
Moving Ships Between Fleets:
You can move ships from one fleet to another in two ways. The first involves merging two or more fleets (see below), the second can be done from the Fleets Management Screen [insert icon].
On the Fleets Management Screen, select[insert double arrow] a fleet from the left…
[Insert details later, need to test].
Merging Fleets:
Fleets can also be merged. When fleets merge, all ships from the merging fleets join into a single fleet. This can be a good way of joining many separate fleets at once.
Fleets can be joined either from the Fleets Management Screen, or from the Galaxy Map. In order to merge fleets, all merging fleets must be idle in the same star system.
From the Fleets Management Screen, select [insert double arrow] a fleet on the left, and then [insert details].
From the Galaxy Map select an owned fleet by clicking [insert grey ship icon], and this will bring up the fleet menu. At the top of this you will see two options, the first [insert icon] will merge ALL fleets in the selected location. The second [insert icon] will merge all selected fleets in the selected location. [need details of what fleet they merge into].
Creating Fleets:
You can create, merge and rename fleets from the Fleets Management Screen [insert icon].
As mentioned above, you can create a fleet by building a new ship. However, you can also create a new empty fleet from the Fleets Management Screen. On this screen you must first select [insert double arrow] an existing fleet from the left, and then, in the top right, enter a name for the new fleet, then click ‘Create’. This will create a new, empty fleet in the same location as the fleet you currently have selected. [Details about empty fleet deletion.
Ships can then be moved into this fleet as normal, see Moving Ships Between Fleets above.
Renaming Fleets:
In order to rename a fleet, enter the Fleets Management Screen, and you will see a [insert rename icon] icon by each fleet name on the left. Click this icon by the fleet you wish to rename, and then enter a new name for the fleet. Click ‘Rename Fleet’ when you are done.
And some questions:
Firstly, is it possible to give me a few ships in the same star in Virgo please, any star will do, just so I can test some things while I write, so I get it right. That would help lots.
Also, how exactly are empty fleets dealt with? I dont know if it is implemented yet, but I think the best way is that all empty fleets are deleted at the end of each turn. That would probably be the best method.
When fleets merge, what fleet is kept, as in what fleet do all ships move into? Is it the fleet with lowest ID, or lowest alphabetic value? Also, will this fleet always be the top fleet in the list when selecting a ship on the galaxy map?
That should be enough to finish the above part. I will finish that and add more about fleet movement and formations etc soon.
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 18-Nov-2008 16:04]
Quote Firstly, is it possible to give me a few ships in the same star in Virgo please, any star will do, just so I can test some things while I write, so I get it right. That would help lots. 
| Will do
Quote Also, how exactly are empty fleets dealt with? I dont know if it is implemented yet, but I think the best way is that all empty fleets are deleted at the end of each turn. That would probably be the best method.
| Exactly as you described. All empty fleets are deleted on turn end.
Quote When fleets merge, what fleet is kept, as in what fleet do all ships move into? Is it the fleet with lowest ID, or lowest alphabetic value? Also, will this fleet always be the top fleet in the list when selecting a ship on the galaxy map?
| All ships move to fleet you clicked on in the right list. When clicking on map you'll get a popup with all fleets in this location. The you can select a fleet in the list and press join all. All ships will be moved to selected fleet.
EDIT: Added you 15 drones in one of your fleet. Couldnt add any other type as you have only freighters and colonizatioship designed.
EDIT: Done.
This message was edited by Maverick
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 19-Nov-2008 18:42]
Quote Exactly as you described. All empty fleets are deleted on turn end.
Ok, I will write that bit in a little while.
Quote All ships move to fleet you clicked on in the right list. When clicking on map you'll get a popup with all fleets in this location. The you can select a fleet in the list and press join all. All ships will be moved to selected fleet.
Yeah, that works, but on galaxy map, if you have no fleet selected, and join all. What fleet survives? It seems to me that fleets are ordered by ID (oldest fleets are at top of list) and this always seems to survive. So I guess it is lowest fleet ID that is kept. Same with multiple ships selected I guess.
Quote Added you 15 drones in one of your fleet. Couldnt add any other type as you have only freighters and colonizatioship designed. 
Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 19-Nov-2008 19:15]
On this page, the image for fleets management screen does not show, also could headings be yellow with lines around them like others?
Also, the double arrow symbol seems to have a lot of space around it, could this be made smaller? So that it fits in line with the text a bit better? (sort of remove space from sides and bottom).

Emperor L [ Posts : 1237 ]
 | [Post Date: 19-Nov-2008 20:08]
Here is rewriten text for the 'Moving Ships Between Fleets' section of the fleets page.
You can move ships from one fleet to another in two ways. The first method allows you to specifically choose the ships that you move, where the second involves merging two or more fleets.
In order to move specific ships from one fleet to another, start by accessing the Fleets Management Screen [insert symbol]. Next, find and select [double arrow] the fleet that contains the ship(s) you wish to move. To the right of this will then display a list of all other fleets that are currently in the same system as the selected fleet.
In order to move ships, click and drag the ship class name from the left menu, and drop it over the name of the fleet (on the right column) that you wish to move the ships into. You will then be prompted to enter how many ships you wish to move. You can move all ships if you wish, or just some. Click 'Transfer' when you are ready, and the ships will be transferred.
Here is some text for the 'Merging Fleets' section of the fleets page.
I think it needs some sub headings are needed, I am marking them in sort of HTML tags, where [H1]text[/h1] will be the yellow with lines type header, and [h2]text[/h2] will be the creamy/white type header.
[H1]Merging Fleets[/h1]
Fleets can also be merged. When fleets merge, all ships from the merging fleets join into a single fleet. This can be a good way of joining many separate fleets at once.
Fleets can be joined either from the Fleets Management Screen, or from the Galaxy Map. In order to merge fleets, all merging fleets must be idle in the same star system.
[H2]Merging Fleets from the Fleets Management Screen[/H2]
From the left menu of the Fleets Management Screen, select [insert double arrow] a fleet that is idle in the system where you wish to merge fleets. To the right will display a list of all fleets that are idle in the same system.
On the far right side of this list, click the merge icon [insert merge symbol], and this will merge all fleets from the same location, into the fleet by who’s name you clicked the merge icon.
[H2]Merging Fleets from the Galaxy Map[/H2]
From the Galaxy Map select an owned fleet by clicking [insert grey ship icon]. This will bring up the fleet menu. At the top of this you will see two options, the first [insert icon] will merge ALL fleets in the selected location. The second [insert icon] will merge all selected fleets in the selected location.
Note that you must hold down the CTRL key, and left click to select multiple fleets.
Also note that for either option, if you have one or more fleets selected, then the last selected fleet will be the fleet that has the others merge into it. If you have no fleet selected and use the ‘Merge all fleets in system’ option, then the fleets will be merged into the fleet that is at the top of the list.
For the merging from galaxy map section, I am not exactly sure how the merging works still, but I wrote it how I think it works from testing it. For the merge all fleets option, it seems to merge all fleets into the fleet you have selected, or last selected with multiple selection, and if you have no fleet selected then it merges into the fleet with lowest ID.
For the merge selected option, it seems to merge all fleets into the fleet you last selected.
Also, maybe the fleets section of the map needs a bit of text saying 'Hold Ctrl and left click to make multiple selections.'
Also, for the section 'Creating Fleets', where it says '[Details about empty fleet deletion.'
Insert the following note:
[b]Note[/b] that your new empty fleet will be deleted at the end of the turn if no ships are moved into it by this time.
I will add the parts for fleet movement and formations soon.
 This message was edited by Emperor L
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Nov-2008 13:15]
Quote On this page, the image for fleets management screen does not show, also could headings be yellow with lines around them like others?
| Done.
Quote Also, the double arrow symbol seems to have a lot of space around it, could this be made smaller? So that it fits in line with the text a bit better? (sort of remove space from sides and bottom).

| This is the exact image used in game. It seams this way beacause of transparent ares in it. We'll leave it as is for now. 
Maverick [ Posts : 1331 ]
 | [Post Date: 20-Nov-2008 13:45]
Quote Here is rewriten text for the 'Moving Ships Between Fleets' section of the fleets page. ...
| Done. Everything seams to be ok. Thanks.